Tuesday, 6 August 2013

The Swarmlord has arrived.

 I painted a Swarmlord.

 That's pretty much it, purely a post on this Swarmlord. One of my best figures to date.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Ice Nids!

This Hive Fleet employs the dreaded Isengard Trolls to break sieges.
Hey guys. Been slightly inactive again. I've gone back to Tyranids and this is my new colour scheme.

Things are looking great so far. I also traded in about £126~ of sealed boxes I never got around to opening for a Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord kit, 2 Tervigons and 2 boxes of gargoyles. Fun times. They're being built with zeal as we speak.

There's also an Isengard Troll because I've gotten into the Hobbit hame recently.

Stay tuned!